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Search filetype: PPT Powerpoints, lectures, seminars, talks, meeting and conference presentations, slides in areas of molecular biology, biochemistry, genes and genetics, genomics, proteomics, oncology, botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, bioengineering, biophysics, biomedical research, marine biology, evolution, systems biology, bioinformatics software, mathematical modeling tools, biostatistics, biotechnology, pharmacology and biopharmaceuticals subjects such as drug discovery, targeted molecules screens, bioassays, toxicology and toxicity assays, medical topics such as clinical trials, concepts of therapy, drug description, pharmacy practices, cancers, bioethics, biostatistics, environmental sciences matters such as global warming, deforesting, soil erosion, pollution, biofuels, natural resources, agriculture, information on ecology, geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and fields such as oceanography, climatology, etc. You get the idea; if it is higher education business and is ".PPT" file, you will find it here!